Gifted Referral Window 1st-5th Grade
Parents/Guardians - We need your help! To help speed up the car rider process and to get your kids safely to their cars, we are asking that you please....
1. Write in your Child's First Name (in big bold letters, above their last name).
2 Write their Teacher's Name and Grade in the bottom right hand corner.
This will greatly help our Car Loading Staff and keep your children safe!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your help!! We are excited to have your kiddos with us!
School Registration / Records
- Registration Information - English and Spanish
- Transcripts and Records
- Pre-K Application
Quick Links
- Student/Parent Chromebook Handbook
- Chromebook Hardcopy(.pdf) Handbook
- Car Rider Procedure
- School Sys Financial Info
- Parents Right to Know (Eng)
- Parents Right To know (Spanish)
- CCSS Complaint Procedures
- CCSS Complaint Procedures (Spanish)
- Intradistrict Transfer Letter
- Intradistrict Transfer (Spanish)
- Student Accident Insurance
- Student Accident Insurance (Spanish)
- Student Accident Insurance Online Registration
- Fraud, Waster & Abuse
- 2024-25 CCSS School Year Calendar